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  • Writer's pictureMark Benson Beberino

Goodbye 2019. Hello 2020.

2019 is departing in days and 2020 is approaching.

A roller coaster ride like experience of 2019 is departing and I’m going to leave it behind. Leaving all my bad experiences behind and treasure all the memories created. No matter how good or bad my experiences, it will still be treasured since it gives me a lesson to learn and memories to keep.

I started my year in a new Studio Room alone and that technically means that I will be on my own. This means that I cannot depend on anyone else except myself. Shifting room is one of the hardest part most especially if you have lots of things like me. Its one of the stressful scenarios in my 2019. Living alone is somehow my forte because I always do not want to depend on someone else so living alone fits me and is basically designed for me. I am not a loner but I hate when people interfere with my own life.

My 2019 is not so good and not so bad. Let us say it’s fair enough. I had experience bad things and scenario. I had been robbed but the good thing is that I am safe and what’s taken are only material things. Although it has a sentimental value but I believe that whatever has taken from me will always be back.

2019 also gives me a great adventure during my vacation on April. I got a chance to be with my family for a while and that’s the most precious experience and memories that the year 2019 had offered me.

I lost friends during this year but I met new and awesome people. I always believed that when someone left you, God will always send you someone who deserve you. I always regret losing friends but everything happens for a reason. If someone left, someone better will come. (ohh, I am not talking about love. I am much happily in-love for 91 months now.) LOL.

2019 also gave me a lesson to learn how to save for myself and at least to balance what’s necessary to spend and what’s not.

2019 also bring me close to my family more than ever. This year made my mom realize the importance of being contented and to save. My mom learned from her mistakes and she recovers from it. That’s what made me very happy and proud. And that is the happiest moment for me.

And since 2019 is bidding farewell, I wish that 2020 will be a great year for me. I don’t need a perfect year but I wish that everything will be in places to fulfill my dreams. Fulfilling my dreams will be enough for me to settle home back to Philippines.

Thank you 2019!

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